Citizens for a Better Nassau County
Nassau County has made significant strides in recent years to become more financially sustainable, prosperous, and resilient to future economic downturns. The county’s financial outlook has been upgraded from stable to positive by Fitch Ratings, acknowledging its effective debt management and improved financial capacity. Long-range land-use planning has improved, as has the county’s budgetary structure and planning.
Economic growth and a broader and more diverse tax base have helped the county whittle away at its capital deficit, and long-desired road and park projects are finally being realized. However, after decades of poor planning and financial management, Nassau County’s improved situation didn’t happen overnight or by accident.
We remain one of the fastest-growing counties in the state of Florida and the nation. While it was never a question whether Nassau County would grow, the way we plan for growth and our ability to attract high-quality growth and to appropriately finance the infrastructure required to accommodate that growth underscores how important leadership and a long-term commitment to financial sustainability matters.
“United for Prosperity”